Leafield C of E Primary School
Leafield CE Primary School serves its community by working in partnership to provide an education of the highest quality.
Leafield School is a special place, enjoyed by pupils and staff alike. We have a distinctive Christian Ethos and an understanding of shared values. As a school we celebrate the diversity of the wider community and are committed to the principles of inclusion and equality of opportunity.
Our mission is to develop young people with active, enquiring and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to act on their beliefs. We recognise that each child is an individual and that all children need to succeed and need to learn to work together as a school community.
Our school is at the heart of the village, situated in the middle of the village green. We have extended over the years in response to the needs of the community and continue to develop in many exciting ways, providing an even more enriching experience for our pupils.
Tel: 01993 878273, E-mail: office.3124@leafield.oxon.sch.uk
website: www.leafield.oxon.sch.uk or to find out more please visit our website
Leafield Primary School PTA
Leafield Pre-School
Rated GOOD in a recent OFSTED inspection, Leafield Pre-school offers a safe and stimulating environment for children aged 2 to 4.
- Established for over 30 Years
- Maximum of 16 children per session
- Sessions are planned to meet The Early Years Foundation Stage and include: Phonics, Maths, French, PE, Cooking, Dance and Outdoor Explorers.
- Fully equipped purpose built playroom, shock-absorbent rubber play surface and large garden.
We offer morning, lunch and afternoon sessions for children aged 2 to 4.
Session cost £14
Our Opening hours are (term time only) :
9am – 3pm Monday to Friday
Please give us a call on: 01993 878667 or mobile 07484 526030,
Email – office@leafieldpreschool.org.uk
Visit the website http://www.leafieldpreschool.org.uk/
Leafield Little’uns
Leafield Little’uns is a friendly group which meets from 10am – 11.30am on Friday mornings in the Village Hall. Children under 5 years and their parents or carers are welcome to drop in, enjoy the toys and craft, and have a coffee and a chat. We provide snacks for the children. £2.00 per family. If you would like to know more please contact Sarah Harston 878150.