Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 10 August 2022, 8.15 pm, Leafield Village Hall

Residents and the public are welcome to attend the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 10 August, 8.15 pm, at Leafield Village Hall.


  1. To elect the Chairman of the Council
  2. To receive the Acceptance of Office of the Chairman
  3. Welcome from the Chairman
  4. To receive apologies for absence
  5. To approve and sign the minutes of the Council meeting on 13 July 2022
  6. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda
  7. To receive and comment on the Clerk’s report
  8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
  9. Opportunity for the public to speak – to provide members of the public/press with the opportunity to comment on items on the agenda, or raise items for future consideration. In accordance with Standing Orders, this will not exceed 15 minutes in total and five minutes per person

Policy and Finance

  1. Finance update – To review and approve the finance update, to review and approve the bank reconciliation
  2. Budget update – To review and approve the budget update
  3. Reserves – To review and approve the general reserves and earmarked reserves
  4. Payments and receipts – To review and approve current payments, to note current receipts
  5. To instruct bank signatories to approve payments
  6. To consider the letter of engagement and audit fee for the 2022-2023 internal audit and agree actions
  7. To receive report from Cllr Russ following the Internal Financial Check and agree actions
  8. To review and approve the Data Protection Policy
  9. To review and approve the Disciplinary and Grievance Policy
  10. To review and approve the Equal Opportunities Policy
  11. To review and approve the Village Green Working Group risk assessment
  12. To consider asset inspection report and agree actions
  13. To consider donation request from MyVision Oxfordshire and agree actions

Recreation and Leisure

  1. Playground –

23.1    To receive regular playground inspection reports and agree actions

23.2    To consider quotation for the removal of the rocker horse, and supply and installation of a new lion springer

  1. Pavilion

24.1    To consider fire risk assessment quotations and agree actions

  1. Village Hall Car Park

25.1    To consider quotations for resurfacing the car park entrance, and agree actions

25.2    To consider engaging a solicitor to draw up the lease agreement with the Football Club for the temporary siting of a changing room portacabin on a portion of the Village Hall car park and agree actions

25.3    To consider cancelling the “chargeable household waste collection” bin contract (current contract ends 30/09/22) and agree actions


  1. Village Green – To receive update from the Village Green Working Group and agree actions
  2. Winter salt – To consider whether any winter salt is required from OCC and agree actions
  3. Lychgate – To note receipt of letter from WODC, dated 19 July 2022, stating that Listed Building Consent is not required for the repair works to the Lychgate
  4. Burial ground – To consider information received from the Evergreens regarding the proposed memorial bench and agree actions


  1. To comment on any planning applications received before date of meeting
  2. To receive update of previous planning applications


  1. Correspondence Register – To receive register and agree actions
  2. To receive items for information only


  1. To receive requests for items for next agenda, and note that motions for inclusion on the next agenda and background papers (including quotations) must be received by the Clerk at least one week before the next meeting.
  2. To confirm date, place and time for the next meeting


07 – Clerk report
10 – Finance update
11 – Budget update
13 – Payments and receipts
17 – Data protection policy
18 – Disciplinary and grievance policy
19 – Equal opportunities policy
21 – Risk assessment – Village Green working group
24.1 – Pavilion fire risk assessment
26 – Village Green working group
28 – LBC – Lychgate

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