Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 21 July, 8.15 pm, Leafield Village Hall

To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Leafield Parish Council to be held at Leafield Village Hall on Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 20.15 hours for the purpose of transacting the following business


Anne Ogilvie
Clerk to Leafield Parish Council 16 July 2021

Recording of the meeting: Please be aware that the meeting may be recorded by the Council or others, and no permissions are required for this, pursuant to the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, amending the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


1. Welcome from the Chairman
2. To receive or accept apologies for absence
3. To approve and sign minutes of Council meeting on 09 June 2021 and meeting on 14 July 2021
4. To receive declarations of interest in items in the agenda
5. To note resignation of Cllr Hamilton and start of councillor vacancy process
6. To receive and comment on Clerk’s report
7. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
8. Opportunity for the public to speak – to provide members of the press/public with the opportunity to comment on items on the agenda, or raise items for future consideration. In accordance with Standing Orders, this will not exceed 15 minutes in total and five minutes per person

Policy and Finance
9. Budget update – To review and approve current year budget update
10. Reserves – To review the reserves
11. Finance update – To review and approve finance update
12. Payments and receipts – To review and approve current payments, to note current receipts
13. To instruct bank signatories to approve payments
14. To approve Terms of Reference for the following working groups
14.1 – Village Green working group
14.2 – Churchyard Maintenance working group
15. To consider creating an Action Plan for 2022-23 and agree actions
16. To review and approve the Sickness and Absence Policy
17. To review and approve the Training and Development Policy
18. To receive and comment on Internal Check report undertaken on 30 June 2021
19. To appoint internal auditor for year 2021-22

Recreation and Leisure
20. Village Hall – To receive update from Cllr Pearce
21. Playground – To receive playground inspection report and agree actions
22. Pavilion – To receive update regarding insurance claims and agree actions

23. Churchyard –
23.1 To receive working group update from Cllr Russ
23.2 To receive update regarding the drainage issue from Cllr Russ and agree actions (deferred from meeting on 10 March 2021)
23.3 To consider project management plan for maintenance of churchyard and agree actions
24. Burial Ground Project – To receive report from Burial Administration working group and agree action
25. Village Green – To receive working group update
26. Red telephone box – To receive update regarding installation of the telephone box

27. To comment on any planning applications received before date of meeting
28. To receive update of previous planning applications
29. To consider how planning applications are reviewed by council and agree actions

30. Correspondence Register – To receive register and agree actions
31. To receive items for information only

32. To receive requests for items for next agenda, and note that items for the next agenda and background papers must be received at least one week before the next meeting.
33. To determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the council up to and including the next Annual Meeting (deferred from meeting on 05 May 2021)
34. To agree date, place and time for the next meeting

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