Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 24th July, 7 pm at Leafield Pavilion

The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 24th July 2024, at 7.00 pm, at Leafield Pavilion.

The meeting is open to the public, and residents are welcome to attend.

Recording of the meeting:  Please be aware that the meeting may be recorded by the Council or others, and no permissions are required for this, pursuant to the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, amending the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


  1. Welcome from the Chair
  2. To receive apologies for absence
  3. To approve and sign the minutes of the Council meeting on 11 June 2024
  4. To receive declarations of interest from Members regarding items on the agenda
  5. To note the resignation of Cllr Ward and receive an update regarding the vacancy process
  6. To co-opt a new member to the Council
  7. Opportunity for the public to speak – to provide members of the press/public with the opportunity to comment on items on the agenda, or raise items for future consideration.  In accordance with Standing Orders, this will not exceed 15 minutes in total and five minutes per person
  8. To receive reports from County and District Councillors
  9. To receive and comment on the Clerk’s report

    Recreation and Leisure

  10. Playground – To receive regular playground inspection reports and agree actions
  11. Playing field
    11. 1  To consider the request from the Football Club to undertake maintenance on some areas of the playing field and car park, and install steps to the portacabins, and agree actions
    11.2  To consider a request from the Football Club to install a dugout and agree actions
    11.3  To consider a request for the playing field to be used from Thursday 08 August to Sunday 11 August to host a bike night and a beer festival, and agree actions
  12. Village Hall
    12.1  To receive an update regarding the CIO from the Village Hall Management Committee and agree actions
    12.2  To receive an update regarding the Village Hall extension plans and agree actions
    12.3  To agree the principal terms of the new Village Hall lease with the Village Hall Committee and agree actions
    12.4  To consider the quotations for the Village Hall drainage works and agree actions
  13. Village Hall Car Park – To receive further quotation information for the creation of a tarmacked path from the car park entrance to the Pavilion and agree actions
  14. Football Club changing facilities – To receive an update regarding the portacabins and agree actions
  15. Pavilion – To receive an update regarding the insurance claims

    Churchyard and Burial Ground

  16. Burial ground grass – To consider the professional advice received regarding drainage options for the burial ground and agree actions
  17. Burial ground administration – To consider the burial ground regulations and administration documents and agree actions
  18. Churchyard bench – To consider purchasing a new bench for the churchyard and agree actions
  19. Burial ground noticeboard – To consider options for a new noticeboard and agree actions


  20. To consider the Traffic Sensitive Streets Review Consultation (OCC) and agree actions


  21. 24/01693/S73 – Variation of condition 19 of permission 22/03408/FUL to allow the removal of the restriction on the 8 x barn style cabins that prevent them for being used as permanent occupation or as a primary place of residence
    Leafield Technical Centre, Langley – comment by 25/07/24
  22. 24/01663/HHD – Erection of a summer house (retrospective)
    Long Acre, The Ridings, Leafield – comment by 26/07/24
  23. 24/01751/HHD – Erection of detached garden office
    Sperrings, Witney Lane, Leafield – comment by 07/08/24
  24. To comment on any planning applications received before the date of the meeting
  25. To receive an update of previous planning applications
  26. To consider supporting both the aims and the approach of the Witney Infrastructure Neighbourhood Group (WING)
  27. To consider endorsing the “North Witney Housing Development Challenges and Inteventions (Version 2 – May 2024)” report prepared by WING

    Administration and Finance

  28. Finance update – To review and approve the finance update, to review and approve the bank reconciliation
  29. Budget update – To review and approve the budget update
  30. Reserves update – To review and approve the reserves update
  31. Payments and receipts – To ratify previous payments, to review and approve current payments, to note current receipts
  32. To instruct bank signatories to approve the payments
  33. To consider the project priorities for 2024-2025 and agree actions
  34. To consider training options and agree actions
  35. To consider OALC’s proposal to increase the annual membership fee and agree actions
  36. To note that the annual physical asset inspection is due and agree actions


  37. Correspondence Register – To receive the correspondence register and agree actions
  38. To receive items for information only


  39. To receive requests for items for the next agenda, and note that motions for inclusion on the next agenda, and background papers (including quotations), must be received by the Clerk at least one week before the next meeting
  40. To confirm the date, place and time for the next meeting

3 – Draft minutes
5 – Vacancy notice
16 – Burial ground drainage
19 – Noticeboard report
20 – Traffic sensitive streets review consultation
20 – TSS map
26 27 – WING resolutions
28 – Statement of accounts
30 – Reserves update
33 – Current project list
33 – Proposed priority list
34 – Training opportunities

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