Red Telephone Box Survey Results

Red Telephone Box Survey

Thank you to all the households who filled in the Red Telephone Box questionnaire – 53 households completed the survey out of the 380 that were leafleted covering every house in the village.

75% of those who voted supported position ‘C’, which is near the postbox and layby on The Green. Therefore, at the Parish Council meeting on 14th Oct, it was decided to go ahead with the project and place the telephone box there.

A few new ideas were given with the main support, in descending order, going to:
– maps for local walks,
– a map with the names of houses in the village to help local delivery people,
– a village noticeboard on the solid side of the box,
– local history displays,
– swap/barter board,
– a library/book exchange
– ‘take over the box’ month.
The box will be a flexible space so ideas in the future will always be welcome.

Three people were concerned with vandalism (this will be closely monitored, and a lock will be put on the door if necessary). Two households were worried about the funding and maintenance – so far, the box and supplies for the refurbishment have been paid for by donations and fundraising in 2018/19, and fundraising will continue in order to pay for future use. A full breakdown of the report is also attached.

Survey Results


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